music video

a commercial videotape featuring a performance of a popular song, often through a stylized dramatization by the performers with lip-synching and special effects.
Also called video, video record.
Examples from the web for music video
  • music video and song captions are shown on television screen to remind the singers during singing.
  • Currently in the pre-production phases of a music video shoot.
  • Also, zip codes formed the occasion for this wonderful music video about the introduction of the system.
  • Click on a music video of a favorite singer and discover a way to eavesdrop on an exclusive interview.
  • After hitting some sour notes last year, music video games are reworking their acts.
  • So you dream up an epic-length music video to promote your new album.
  • Licensing issues delay rollout on the scale of the music video.
Encyclopedia Article for music video

promotional film for popular music, especially a rock song. Music videos began to be widely broadcast on television in the early 1980s. Like the commercials they essentially are, music videos may qualify as the quintessential postmodern art form: hybrid, parasitic, appropriative, often compromised by commerce or undermined by aesthetic pretension, ideally compact, and assimilable.

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